We’re back in the “win” column, having completed “Color on the Mountain” by Buffalo Games.

Going in, I’d been a bit worried about solid blocks of color but it wasn’t as bad as I’d feared.
After we got the border done, I started working on the mountain and then moved into the reflection in the water while Jenny took on the purple in the sky. The purple was a bit difficult and, because it’s Jenny’s favorite color, she wanted to do it herself. Once that came together, we had enough of a base that we could build off of it in every direction and it came together pretty quickly.
The most surprising thing about this puzzle wasn’t anything to do with the design but with the quality. Buffalo Games is usually a really solid product but in this case some of the pieces were just a mess. At one point, Jenny exclaimed, “Finally! That’s where that disaster piece goes!”

Stuff happens, and we’ve seen more good than not from them, so this won’t stop us from going back. It was just very surprising.
Since this was Jenny’s pick, even though I wrote it up, I think I get the next puzzle choice and I have no idea what I’m going to go with. We might hold off for a little bit because we’ve got some very exciting stuff about to drop over at So Puzzled Puzzle Company in time for the holiday season. Keep an eye out over there.
As for our soundtrack for this one, we kept it simple. Our usual classic rock mix, though Youtube Music threw some interesting randomness in there. I also did a Queens of the Stone Age mix for a solo puzzling session and on the night we finished it, Jenny and our daughter were sharing earbuds, listening to an audiobook.