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Wrap-Up: Oh MI Cookies! – Part 2

  • Clark 

That’s a wrap on the final new puzzle from So Puzzled Puzzle Company‘s latest series, “Oh MI Cookies!”

The completed Oh MI Cookies! by So Puzzled Puzzle Company

Just like the first time around with the 1000-piece version this one was so much fun.

“Oh MI Cookies!” and “Smitten in the Mitten” are the only So Puzzled designs that have both a 500-piece version and a 1000-piece version and it’s really interesting to see how differently that played out. We did the 1000-piece versions first for each and for “Smitten in the Mitten“, we really didn’t see a difference in how the puzzle came together, the 500-piece version was just easier.

With “Oh MI Cookies!” we definitely saw a difference. In the 1000-piece version, the edges were a little difficult to get nailed down and we had a lot of trouble with the countertop. For the 500-piece puzzle, the edges came together just fine and it was really the rainbow cookies that were the hardest to get figured out.

That said, relatively-speaking, it was another easy one. We started on Wednesday night while getting caught up on Food Network’s Tournament of Champions, let it sit for a couple nights while we were busy, and then wrapped it up on Saturday morning. We didn’t have a timer going and we did it while watching TV so it’s hard to compare to some of our other puzzles but there’s no way it took more than a few hours from start to finish.

We mentioned this when we wrapped up “MI Fall Harvest” but The Pieceful Puzzler also did this one last month so make sure to check out her thoughts, too.

We think we’re going to turn around and get started on something else pretty quickly here because Jenny picked up some stuff at her library’s puzzle swap that she’s pretty excited about, so stay tuned!

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