Wrap-Up: Lego Pet Pals
Well, apparently I should have just waited and written this up as a puzzle break! We finished this in approximately 3, 3 1/2 hours as we did the last one. I was wrong as well,… Wrap-Up: Lego Pet Pals
Well, apparently I should have just waited and written this up as a puzzle break! We finished this in approximately 3, 3 1/2 hours as we did the last one. I was wrong as well,… Wrap-Up: Lego Pet Pals
Well, that was quick. We started “Minifigure Rainbow” by Chronicle Books around noon today and wrapped it up about three hours later. We hadn’t expected this one to be all that difficult but we haven’t… Wrap-Up: Minifigure Rainbow
Y’aaaaaaaaaalllllll. This one was one that we could not crack. We spent all kinds of time on this one. Hours at night, random groups of time during the day, it just did not work. The… Give Up: Our Anniversary Puzzle
Alright, there’s no sugar-coating it: This one felt like a bit of a slog. I’m not saying it was particularly hard. It only took a week and a half to complete and that was during… Wrap-Up: The Stories of Josh Malerman
After a ridiculously busy week, we have finished the Portage Lake Lift Bridge from So Puzzled Puzzle Company! This was a lot of fun! The strange pieces again were a favorite part, and it did… Wrap-Up: Portage Lake Lift Bridge
It’s done and it’s so pretty!! This was so fun to put together. My predictions were accurate that the counter areas would be hard, as well as making sure we were keeping the colors with… Wrap-up: Oh MI Cookies!
It’s really hard to separate our feelings about doing “St. Joseph North Pier Inner Lighthouse” from our feelings about having designed it and finally having it available for the world but I’m going to give… Wrap-Up: St. Joseph North Pier Inner Lighthouse
What a fun puzzle! We wrapped up this delightful piece on Wednesday night. A couple of things immensely surprised us. At first glance, there isn’t a repeating face, but folly on me – there is!… Wrap-Up: Women March
We finished up “Main Street U.S.A. Fireworks” from Ceaco Puzzles earlier this week and it turned out to be a really nice-looking puzzle. The edges were more difficult than we expected, with the top border… Wrap-Up: Main Street U.S.A. Fireworks
Great news – we finished and all the pieces were there! It turns out our worry about the puzzle having been done before was for naught! Christina never did the puzzle before passing it on… Wrap-Up: Map of Middle Earth