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Wrap-Up: Sherlock Holmes

  • Clark 

After about a week of actual effort (the Next Up post for this one was published several days before we actually started work on it), “Sherlock Holmes” by New York Puzzle Company is done. I’d… Wrap-Up: Sherlock Holmes

Next Up: Sherlock Holmes

  • Clark 

After Jenny picked “Harry Potter Quidditch” as our last puzzle in early October, I’d decided that the shadowy, dark design of New York Puzzle Company’s “Sherlock Holmes” fit the Halloween season nicely and would be… Next Up: Sherlock Holmes

Finished puzzle of the solar system. Planets and moons are laid out in rows instead of in orbit

Wrap Up: The Solar System

  • Jenny 

We took advantage of this frigid Saturday in Michigan to spend some time finishing The Solar System Puzzle and drink some hot cocoa. As expected, the planets came together relatively quickly. It was a little… Wrap Up: The Solar System

How We Got Here

  • Clark 

Jenny and I didn’t decide to blog about puzzling until after we’d done a few in quick succession. So how did we get here? These are the puzzles we completed before the blog. NY Times… How We Got Here