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Wrap-Up: Donut Worry, Be Happy!

We’ve wrapped up “Donut Worry, Be Happy!” from Buffalo Games and I have to laugh at myself a little bit.  A few days ago I thought we might be slowed down by the fact that it was 1500 pieces, as opposed to our usual 1000, and then we ended up getting it done relatively quickly.

The completed “Donut Worry, Be Happy!” puzzle from Buffalo Games.

It was about 30 hours from start to finish.  That’s real time, not work time, so it includes sleep and meals and other plans and general life stuff.

I did think this one would be relatively simple, though, and that proved to be true.  The donut designs were pretty unique, so we could do things like find all the green icing pieces and put them together as one section.  The exception was the chocolate-iced ones, where Jenny kept thinking she was working on one only to realize it was another.

After we got the border done, I started with the stack of mugs and moved down from there.  Jenny started with the chocolate-iced donuts and the coffee.  Our daughter joined us for this one, too, starting with the green-iced donut at the bottom and bouncing around a bit from there.

I noted in the Next Up post for this one that we thought it was funny that Buffalo Games had this puzzle as well as the very similar “Coffee & Donuts” by Aimee Stewart.  It turns out, this one was designed by Lars Stewart, Aimee’s husband.  We’ve done a bunch of Aimee Stewart’s puzzles and didn’t even know that we should be looking out for Lars as well, so we learned something.

Our soundtrack for this one started with some 90s alternative before switching over to Christmas songs.

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