Wrap-Up: Lego Pet Pals
Well, apparently I should have just waited and written this up as a puzzle break! We finished this in approximately 3, 3 1/2 hours as we did the last one. I was wrong as well,… Wrap-Up: Lego Pet Pals
Well, apparently I should have just waited and written this up as a puzzle break! We finished this in approximately 3, 3 1/2 hours as we did the last one. I was wrong as well,… Wrap-Up: Lego Pet Pals
As we suspected, our next puzzle is another by Chronicle Books, Lego Pet Pals! Like the previous puzzle, this was also purchased at our favorite local bookshop, 2 Dandelions. Fun fact, when we stopped by… Next Up: Lego Pet Pals
Well, that was quick. We started “Minifigure Rainbow” by Chronicle Books around noon today and wrapped it up about three hours later. We hadn’t expected this one to be all that difficult but we haven’t… Wrap-Up: Minifigure Rainbow
We’re coming back at it with “Minifigure Rainbow” by Chronicle Books. It’s one of Chronicle’s many licensed Lego-themed puzzles and the second such one we’ve done after “Paint Party” back in 2021. We picked this… Next Up: Minifigure Rainbow
We’re back in the “win” column, having completed “Color on the Mountain” by Buffalo Games. Going in, I’d been a bit worried about solid blocks of color but it wasn’t as bad as I’d feared.… Wrap-Up: Color on the Mountain