Well, that was quick. We started “Minifigure Rainbow” by Chronicle Books around noon today and wrapped it up about three hours later.

We hadn’t expected this one to be all that difficult but we haven’t had an easy puzzle in awhile so it was a little surprising to blow through this one so quickly.
I’d thought we’d look at this like 66 tiny puzzles but it was more like six smaller puzzles. Once we got the border together, we started at the top and just worked our way down, row after row.
There were a couple hiccups along the way, as I’d taken the opportunity to clean and dust our puzzle table recently so pieces kept sliding off the edge. Partway through there was one particular piece that Jenny was losing her mind about not being able to find and she later realized it had made its way to the floor. And when we thought we’d finished the puzzle, there were two missing pieces, both of which had wound up under the table.
For a 1000-piece puzzle, this was incredibly easy, and I think we needed that.
We’ve got some extra time this evening and a little bit tomorrow as well so we’re already talking about breaking out the other Lego-themed puzzle we’ve got waiting in the closet.
As far as background noise goes, we started with the second half of the movie Hidden Figures, then moved on to our standard classic rock mix when that was done.