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Next Up: RoseArt Encore German Windmill

  • Jenny 

This 500 piece puzzle has been in my possession for a very long time. It was released in 1999, as far as I can tell, and is of a German windmill. Since we are in the midst of our second winter storm of the month, it seemed an appropriate theme of puzzle.

This was started and taken apart at a Christmas pre-pandemic, so well before this blog came into existence. I’m not even sure if it will have all the pieces, though I hope so. I remember being incredibly frustrated with this before we took it apart and put it away. This was also before we started allowing these to sit on our table until finished, and then “laminating” and filing away.

Since I don’t know what else to say, let’s take a look back at 1999. In 1999, the Y2K bug was a big concern, which anyone who lived through it remembers. This was pre-9/11, so you could still meet people at their gate in airports. Or just go and hang out at the airport without raising any concerns. 10 Things I Hate About You (one of my favorite movies) and The Matrix (one of Clark’s favorite movies) both came out that year. On a personal level, I was in 7th grade, and he was a senior in high school, so far away from meeting each other.

I don’t think that this 500 piece will take long, especially now that we have a process. It will be fun to revisit though!

Stay Puzzled!

-xo, j

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