We’ve wrapped up “I Love Michigan” from White Mountain Puzzles and, as expected, it was a quick one.

We started this on Wednesday night and finished it on Thursday, about 26 hours later. It was probably four hours of actual work, maybe four and a half.
Speaking as a Michigander, it was a lot of fun to see reference to cultural touchpoints. Especially some that are gone now or have updated their branding.
One interesting inclusion was a sign for the City of Thunder Bay.

There is a Thunder Bay in Michigan, off of Lake Huron, with the City of Alpena at its head. However the City of Thunder Bay – particularly the one that uses that sign – is in Ontario. And it’s not like Windsor or Sarnia or Sault Ste. Marie, just across the border from Michigan. Thunder Bay, Ontario, is on the other side of Lake Superior. It’s a surprising – but somewhat humorous – design mistake.
Construction-wise, it was what we’ve come to expect from White Mountain. We’ve done enough of theirs that the larger pieces aren’t quite as jarring. The heft of the pieces is good and the print quality is great.
This was fun but we’ll be on to the next one soon.
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