After just about every possible type of delay, the new series of puzzles from So Puzzled Puzzle Company is finally available and we’re going to kick things off with “MacArthur Bridge Mural.”

This might be my favorite of the new series. I just absolutely love the colors. It’s one of two designs in this series by Chelsea Hensbergen and they’re both fantastic.
Obviously, with puzzles that we designed ourselves, we’ve got a little bit more background knowledge than we usually have. We like to talk in this space about what we think we’ll see in a certain puzzle but, in this case, we also know what we expected out of the production process.
For example, we know that – in comparison to the first series of puzzles from SPPC – the linen texture is going to be more prominent because we changed the paper that we used. We know that the pieces are going to be larger because we did this as a 500-piece puzzle but kept the same dimensions as our 1000-piece puzzles. We know that there’s a larger insert poster which is going to make matching pieces with their places easier.
We’ve popped open a couple of the puzzles just to get a (literal) feel for them and the pieces seem to have a bit more heft to them than we expected. That’s interesting as we didn’t change the Eska board we use for our backing. Maybe that’s a result of those larger pieces or maybe it’s imagined in our excitement.
Despite having designed it, there are things we can’t know until we actually assemble the puzzle. Maybe that big blue sky ends up being more difficult to put together than we thought it would.
I don’t think that sky is going to be a problem. I’ll risk jinxing things and say that – assuming we actually start this when we expect to this evening – we’ll blow through it in a single night.
Knock on wood.
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