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Wrap-Up: Women March

What a fun puzzle! We wrapped up this delightful piece on Wednesday night. A couple of things immensely surprised us. At first glance, there isn’t a repeating face, but folly on me – there is!… Wrap-Up: Women March

Next Up: Women March

As Clark mentioned in the Disney wrap up post, we are going to try and do one more puzzle before So Puzzled Puzzle Company’s puzzles make an appearance on the scene! For our next puzzle,… Next Up: Women March

Front of the Map of Middle Earth Puzzle box. A blue sea to the left giving way to green map with mountains and middle earth locations noted on it. Map is surrounded by a black frame.

Next Up: Map of Middle Earth

  • Jenny 

Our next puzzle was a (re)gift from our friend Christina (a.k.a. EriannaAbyss) for Christmas! Map of Middle Earth from Iron Crown Enterprises, which is apparently out of print, after a quick search. We hope the… Next Up: Map of Middle Earth

Wrap-Up: I Love Michigan

We’ve wrapped up “I Love Michigan” from White Mountain Puzzles and, as expected, it was a quick one. We started this on Wednesday night and finished it on Thursday, about 26 hours later. It was… Wrap-Up: I Love Michigan