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Next Up: The Routes We Follow

We’re back with another family favorite company – Apostrophe Puzzles! This time we are doing The Routes We Follow, a part of the original collection of released puzzles by Apostrophe, if I am not mistaken. Even if I am, you should still go buy it, or any of their puzzles because they are amazing!

This puzzle is labeled as Boss Level, so I expect a challenge. We have very much been looking forward to this puzzle, and we got it started last night. The border is done, and the finish is just as fabulous as the other three puzzles we’ve done by Apostrophe. It took us about 45 minutes to flip all the pieces out and get the border together. I don’t expect the puzzle to be super fast as there is a lot of repetition in the patterns of the artwork, but I also realized that we never really clocked our time on the other puzzles we’ve done from Apostrophe.

I think it would be interesting for the next four from Apostrophe that we do, to do them in order of difficulty level, and see how it goes. The only snag is the way we do our puzzles. We don’t sit down and do them until we’re done. Our time spent depends on our schedules, so no two puzzles are the same for us. I do remember that Talkin’ All That Jazz was done in an afternoon and was easy, but I am having a harder time recalling the difference in difficulty between Bengal Blue and Island Hopping. It probably doesn’t help how long we went between each of them.

If you haven’t checked out Apostrophe Puzzles yet – you definitely should!*

Stay puzzled,

-xo, j

*This is not a paid sponsorship, we just really like their puzzles!

1 thought on “Next Up: The Routes We Follow”

  1. Pingback: Wrap-Up: The Routes We Follow – We Are So Puzzled

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